Thursday, January 17, 2013

QQC Chapter 5

Quote: "Lyell believed that the Earth’s shifts were uniform and steady—that everything that had
ever happened in the past could be explained by events still going  on today."

Question: I wonder what kind of things they prove happened then that are still going on today?

Comment: My quote kind of confused me just a little only because I want to know what kind of examples they have. If they are referring to dinosaurs or something of that nature how would they prove to me that there were dinosaurs by something that is still going on today. In the reading they talk about things will go extinct but come back in new sets. That was something that made me think a little bit because I don't necessarily believe in evolution. I don't believe that I came from some monkey man it doesn't make any sense in my opinion.      

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

QCCQ chapter 4

Quote: “Newton was a decidedly odd figure—brilliant beyond measure, but solitary, joyless, prickly to the point of paranoia, famously distracted (upon swinging his feet out of bed in the morning he would reportedly sometimes sit for hours, immobilized by the sudden rush of thoughts to his head), and capable of the most riveting strangeness.”

Comment: I think Newton was so smart in one area but lacked abilities in other areas. He was able to be a great mathematician and scientist, but he may not have been able to be a good friend or a good communicator. I know that other great mathematicians such as Albert Einstein had other social problems but was a great mathematician and could come up with and solve things no one has ever tried before.  

Connection: I have a cousin named Akili who suffers from Autism,but was very smart in school. He absolutely  loves video games and action movies. He isn't afraid to talk but you can tell he has a slight awkwardness about the way he talks. he doesn't make eye contact with you while you are having conversation.  

Question: Why does it that your brain could be so skilled in one aspect but totally lack the abbility in others?